Discipleship is a way of life. To be a disciple, is to be somebody who follows a
teacher, for Christians, that teacher is Jesus Christ, who, if we belong to him,
demands our souls, our lives, our all. To be a disciple is more than following
Jesus, but actively living for him, and making his life known to others, that they
may come to know him as Saviour and Lord.
At St Columba's, our framework for discipleship comes from a rule of life,
in the Diocese of Liverpool, that rule is centred on inputs and outputs.
The inputs call us to 'pray, read and learn'. This focus on prayer, the reading of
scripture and the learning of the Christian faith sustain us, and deepen our faith
in order that we may equipped to be disciples in twenty-first century.
This equipping, naturally leads us to be sent into the world to
'tell, serve and give'. The response to God's love propels us to share it with others
in word and in deed. We cannot articulate the gospel clearly for others to hear,
if we are not steeped in it ourselves.
We as a Church, committed to this task, are engaging in ways to strengthen and
deepen our faith in order that we may be disciples who are truly missionary,
pointing others to Jesus Christ, so that they may come to know him, love him
and serve him. We as parish, long to see a bigger church that makes a bigger difference,
with more people knowing Jesus and more justice in the world.
Why not sign up to the rule of life, deepen your faith, and put it into practice?
We hold discipleship courses throughout the year reflecting the liturgical season or teaching priority.