ABOUT OUR CHURCH - Living Stones
Saint Columba's Church has stood in Anfield since 1932.
With its uncompromising Art Deco design, it combines the best
of both contemporary and classical architectural styles.
Designed and pioneered by Bernard Miller of the Liverpool
School of Architecture, the Church was built to convey
the traditional elements of sanctuary, chancel, nave and transepts
in a new and daring way with a focus on size and grandeur,
converging on the altar. For Miller, this convergence was deliberate,
reflecting the fundamental purpose and function
of the Church: 'the supreme importance that the liturgy attaches
to the consecrated altar which, symbolically, is identified with the divine
presence and, therefore, the central focus for the eucharistic
sacrifice, the supreme act of worship of the Church.
In this light, the Church is the shrine of the altar'.
This clear catholic theology was displayed not only internally,
but also externally at the eastern wall where a stone cross
the entire length of the building is surmounted by the eucharistic
elements of a host and chalice. Thus from the beginning St Columba's
has always reflected the catholic tradition at its heart.
In keeping with the original design of the building, the sanctuary now houses
a full length reredos of 27 conjoined canvases depicting the life of Christ,
painted by Mary Adshead. Throughout the building, many examples of the
ceramic art of sgraffiti work by the Liverpool artist Julia Carter Preston
can be seen including most famously inside the font.
The Church is not only its building, but perhaps more importantly, its people, we are the 'living stones' to use Saint Peter's words. The worshipping congregation includes people who have worshipped here their whole lives and those who are newcomers to the Chrsitian faith. Wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome here at Saint Columba's.
The parish takes a full and active role in the Diocese of Liverpool, and in the local Walton Deanery. Standing firmly within the catholic tradition of the Church of England, and for the greater unity of the parish, we have petitioned the Bishop of Liverpool under the House of Bishops' declaration, and thus the parish receives pastoral and sacramental care from the Bishop of Beverley. We work closely with other parishes of the same tradition, whose clergy form The Chapter of the Transfiguration.